Looking for Evidence
Looking for Evidence is hosted by Khara Collins and Shelby Wagner. We're two Voxer besties who enjoy sharing how we use different tools like Astrology, Enneagram, or Human Design, to make sense of who we are and tackle the challenges we face in day-to-day life. There are plenty of places to learn about the different tools, and we want to be a space where you can hear how to actually use them in your everyday life. Listen in!
This pod is a real time conversation between Khara Collins & Shelby Wagner, who are sharing what's happening in their lives and how they use different tools like Enneagram, Somatics, Astrology, Human Design and more, to better understand the hard and celebratory moments in their lives.
There are so many places in the world that teach you about different systems and tools, but there aren't many spaces that talk about what it looks like to use this wisdom in everyday life. How do they help us make decisions? How can they remind us to slow down, pause and celebrate where we are now and feel curious about what hasn't happened yet?
Tune in to each episode to hear what's happening in their lives and how they're making sense of it all!
Looking for Evidence
New Year No Goals
Shelby shared her personal journey of self-discovery and growth, discussing her transition from uncertainty to confidence and her realization of her natural abilities as a manifestor. She explored the challenges of aligning her skills and strengths with income generation, emphasizing the importance of initiating for service and helping others explore their identity and reconnect with their purpose. Throughout her journey, Shelby found support in friends, astrology, and human design, ultimately embracing new opportunities and encouraging others to trust the process.
Pod Episode Referenced: Why you need to stop Initiating for money
Find Shelby and Khara on instagram:
Shelby's interactive journal:
The Identity Field Guide
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Shelby Wagner: Hello, and Happy New Year to those that celebrate
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Shelby Wagner: the order I get, the more I feel a little bit on the fence about new the New Year.
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Shelby Wagner: But either way, 2025 is here
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Shelby Wagner: for me in the Midwest, celebrating a new year in the midst of negative degree temperatures just feels really hard. I want to be the big sleeping bear cozied up somewhere underneath the ground. And
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Shelby Wagner: And yet we've created a world where we just keep on moving. So that is that is what I'm doing.
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Shelby Wagner: But I wanna say that I'm here alone today because I've just had this urge to talk about this space that I'm in, and hopefully Kara will forgive me, as I inform her after the fact. But I wanted a moment to share about this
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Shelby Wagner: the space of not yet that I've been in, and process a little bit with you as to what this journey looks like, or what a journey looks like when you're not quite sure yet what your next steps are, but you know you need to let go of some things in the present moment
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Shelby Wagner: I, in December felt very good about where the year was ending. I felt very calm, very relaxed.
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Shelby Wagner: accomplished in the ways that I wanted to accomplish, you know, grateful for the Identity Field Guide getting published and out in the world. I had some really lovely pop ups towards the end of the year where I got to sell the book and really connect with people. I got to connect with people who purchased the Field Guide and had really great things to say about it. And so just really, this beautiful space. And it was as if, like
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Shelby Wagner: the minute you know, midnight hit in 2025 came around. I was like, Ugh!
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Shelby Wagner: I feel like I'm really in this stuck, low place.
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Shelby Wagner: and I was telling a friend like, I don't know if this is the void, or if this is liminality.
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Shelby Wagner: But the more that the days went on here in January. We're mid January right now, I I said, you know, but I think it. I think I'm in a liminal space, because I see a lot of light on my path. These little glimmers, these.
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Shelby Wagner: you know, synchronistic moments that are showing me that I'm headed in the right direction, even though I feel like I'm standing in a field of fog.
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Shelby Wagner: And today I wanted just to share a little bit more about what that's like in the event that
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Shelby Wagner: you've been there. You are there, or maybe someday that happens to you to share a little bit of you know like, How do you navigate that? And how do you stay
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Shelby Wagner: grounded? And how do you not lose your mind and think all is lost.
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Shelby Wagner: because where I was just a couple weeks ago was sharing on Instagram some thoughts about New Year, no goals.
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Shelby Wagner: and I was like, I don't know about you, but I'm looking around and a little bit envious of people who've got. You know, these list of goals, and not just, you know, aspirations, but really specific, measurable things that they want to accomplish. And
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Shelby Wagner: and I felt just like nothing anytime. I tapped into my body to see like, what's there? What what do we want to do? It was just like this, this emptiness, like the floor in my like creative spirit had just like dropped open and in just like air, was whooshing out.
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Shelby Wagner: and
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Shelby Wagner: you know it felt necessary to name that it felt necessary to share some things on social media. I did a little piece with combining my words and visuals, you know, like assuring those who are out there in the collective like if you have no goals right now
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Shelby Wagner: that you've identified, know that you are still valuable and like, worthy as you are.
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Shelby Wagner: And what came to me is I was really
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Shelby Wagner: like just reflecting on that is that I'm not lost.
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Shelby Wagner: you know. I had gotten into a conversation.
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Shelby Wagner: and someone was saying like, Well.
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Shelby Wagner: you know, if you're looking to make a change this year, and you're looking to let go of this one job opportunity that you're in.
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Shelby Wagner: you know. But you don't have anything like
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Shelby Wagner: definitive that you're stepping into like, what? What is that?
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Shelby Wagner: And I felt like a little a little bit guilty.
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Shelby Wagner: But also I don't wanna say defensive. But I want I knew there was a moment of like.
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Shelby Wagner: wait a minute. I need to explain this better.
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Shelby Wagner: because apparently what I'm saying is, people making people think that I have no anchor.
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Shelby Wagner: and at times you're not totally sure what direction or what path you're on.
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Shelby Wagner: But I made it known, and very clear that I am very anchored, very grounded, and very rooted.
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Shelby Wagner: and who I am, and what my abilities are, and I just don't know yet
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Shelby Wagner: where I will be applying those in the New Year.
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Shelby Wagner: and I know that can feel a little squishy, a little gray for people, and I think
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Shelby Wagner: that, depending on who you are, that just might be part of your journey, and for others, it's part of your journey to have something specific. I think we all move through seasons of life
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Shelby Wagner: where specific things are possible to name, and seasons of life, where there is
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Shelby Wagner: that that emptiness, that not yet
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Shelby Wagner: what was different for this, though I have stood at thresholds before
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Shelby Wagner: this one just felt really challenging, I think, because I had a strong sense of there's work I need to let go of. I can feel it. I need to detach from it.
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Shelby Wagner: You know my
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Shelby Wagner: learning as a manifester. I have. I feel like I've cultivated that that sense of noticing when it is time to unplug
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Shelby Wagner: from something that I've helped initiate. And this work experience
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Shelby Wagner: with my husband, and the business that we own like I could tell like something is here. I need to disconnect in a certain way I need to bring back
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Shelby Wagner: to myself some of this creative energy that I've poured in, you know, the last 8 and a half years.
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Shelby Wagner: and to have such a strong feeling of knowing a disconnect and a disengagement needs to happen in one area
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Shelby Wagner: without seeing
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Shelby Wagner: where what the next step is, or you know, I keep seeing that passing of the baton, like, Okay, well, I'm letting go. But I also don't know what I'm reaching for next.
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Shelby Wagner: And I just kept thinking like, what is that.
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Shelby Wagner: and it brought up some old feelings of
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Shelby Wagner: my. What I assume people's perception of me is in that
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Shelby Wagner: I'm constantly changing, which to me is evolving. But for other people it looks like instability.
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Shelby Wagner: And.
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Shelby Wagner: you know, feeling just a little bit like, why don't I get the clear path? Why don't I get the clear, measurable goals. Why do I have to live in this space
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Shelby Wagner: of the not yet, and the day that I happen to share some of this in my Instagram stories.
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Shelby Wagner: A dear friend and and coach sent me this piece from an excerpt from everything is spiritual by Rob Bell.
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Shelby Wagner: and it instantly brought tears to my eyes, because in that moment
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Shelby Wagner: I felt like, I don't know if people get
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Shelby Wagner: what I'm moving through and how hard this is.
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Shelby Wagner: So it says.
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Shelby Wagner: we knew there was more. We knew there was another chapter, but to leave that previous chapter and move into the unknown
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Shelby Wagner: meant living in the in-between.
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Shelby Wagner: Another word for the in-between is liminal space
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Shelby Wagner: liminal is from the Latin word for threshold.
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Shelby Wagner: You're leaving one room, but you aren't yet in the next room. You're crossing the threshold
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Shelby Wagner: for a period of time.
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Shelby Wagner: You're in neither of those rooms.
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Shelby Wagner: Liminal space can be so brutal and so good.
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Shelby Wagner: We leave. We let go.
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Shelby Wagner: We see things we didn't see before.
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Shelby Wagner: We listen
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Shelby Wagner: like I said. When I read these words it brought tears to my eyes, because for a moment I felt seen.
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Shelby Wagner: For a moment I felt as though I don't think under people understand how hard this is.
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Shelby Wagner: and what a challenge it is not to just reach for something familiar.
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Shelby Wagner: You know, I'm human. And so
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Shelby Wagner: you know, I think of, okay, maybe I'm supposed to be looking places, not necessarily applying for jobs. But maybe I need to keep my eyes
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Shelby Wagner: open even wider, you know, scanning, looking for opportunities. Maybe there is a synchronicity that I'm missing.
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Shelby Wagner: and you know, writing in my journal over and over again, like these are the skills that I love. I love storytelling. I love synthesizing.
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Shelby Wagner: I love helping people find the gold in the words that they've created, whether that's in business or personally.
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Shelby Wagner: And in the same week someone reached out to me about a marketing
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Shelby Wagner: opportunity. Our community of business owners, women business owners.
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Shelby Wagner: can be featured throughout their this particular organization's audience
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Shelby Wagner: and this community of women in turn, not just of getting these opportunities to to write, and
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Shelby Wagner: you know be showcased, but to really support one another.
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Shelby Wagner: And I kind of had this like meltdown of like I wanna do this.
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Shelby Wagner: but I don't even know what I would be saying, what I would be asking people to come to me for.
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Shelby Wagner: And I thought, how is that possible? How have I done all of this work?
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Shelby Wagner: Healing work? How have I, you know, created this amazing book on my way to create another product, and I feel like I don't have
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Shelby Wagner: anything to give.
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Shelby Wagner: How is that possible?
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Shelby Wagner: And thankfully I have a couple other manifesto friends, Kara being one of them, and another one where we're Morgan, who were all in a Whatsapp chat together, and I could I like immediately just
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Shelby Wagner: went there and said, like, I just need to say this. This is, you know, bothering me, that, like I can see on one hand all my talents and strengths, and on the other. I have no idea how to generate income
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Shelby Wagner: being my aligned, amazing self without getting sucked back into the structures that deplete me.
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Shelby Wagner: It was a lot to wrestle with.
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Shelby Wagner: And when you live in a world where a lot of people either have defined pathways
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Shelby Wagner: or even just defined reservoir of energy to go after things.
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Shelby Wagner: It's challenging to explain to people like, I want to do these things. And also I want to hold space for
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Shelby Wagner: the fact that I am a seasonal being the fact that I need a little more rest than most people.
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Shelby Wagner: And so it isn't just about like going to apply for a job.
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Shelby Wagner: And then I have all of these skills and abilities that I want to use that don't show up in a lot of traditional job environments.
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Shelby Wagner: Something I wrote this week.
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Shelby Wagner: and there's a lot in between the what I just shared. And this statement here, and I'll move into that next.
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Shelby Wagner: But it felt really clear when I wrote it.
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Shelby Wagner: and it's like the clearest I've felt
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Shelby Wagner: in a long time, and it is this.
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Shelby Wagner: this is the year. I will not just be visible.
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Shelby Wagner: But the year I choose to step out front
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Shelby Wagner: a year that when others offer an opportunity to shine.
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Shelby Wagner: I step forward with confidence and a deep, knowing that this is mine to do.
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Shelby Wagner: It's time to retire. Old stories about where I belong and what I deserve.
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Shelby Wagner: I am at home anywhere within myself, and I deserve all that flows to and through me.
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Shelby Wagner: I belong, I deserve I'm at home.
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Shelby Wagner: What brought me to this place.
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Shelby Wagner: as I mentioned. There are a couple of synchronicities, right? So, friends, pinging me at different times to say different. You know.
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Shelby Wagner: workshops are still ringing it true in their hearts. A friend reaching out with that excerpt
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Shelby Wagner: a connection that I've been, you know, just nurturing, naturally saying, Hey, I think there's someone you should meet
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Shelby Wagner: again all of these lights on
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Shelby Wagner: on this journey of liminality, so not the void. This is not the void.
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Shelby Wagner: So what is it? And what what am I supposed to see? What am I missing?
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Shelby Wagner: And what I came upon is a manifester?
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Shelby Wagner: Podcast? A manifesto, community, and it was an episode where Holly Herberg was talking about.
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Shelby Wagner: Manifestors are specific type.
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Shelby Wagner: you know, needing to let go of initiating, using our creative energy and our creative urges.
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Shelby Wagner: Simply for money and taking on a mindset of initiating for service versus initiating for sales.
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Shelby Wagner: And this podcast I think I've list, the episode, particular episode. I've listened to maybe 5 times I mean it.
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Shelby Wagner: It gripped me like it caught hold of me, and I was like, I think there is something here for me.
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Shelby Wagner: and I tell you it reoriented me within a matter of hours.
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Shelby Wagner: and I think it's fascinating how quickly clarity can arrive
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Shelby Wagner: after days of feeling so lost and so in this
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Shelby Wagner: the 1st powerful question was, What might it look like in my life if I was generating my financial income from my unnatural ability to initiate.
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Shelby Wagner: and to me that is the ultimate goal
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Shelby Wagner: to follow my intuition of what needs to be written, what needs to be said, what needs to be created
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Shelby Wagner: to follow that urge, and in return
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Shelby Wagner: receive financial support, financial compensation, whatever that might look like, whatever form that might be.
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Shelby Wagner: and not just like as a writer or an artist, it can be that.
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Shelby Wagner: But whatever whatever way those particular talents, my natural gifts, and that natural rhythm that, surrendering to that rhythm
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Shelby Wagner: can support me financially.
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Shelby Wagner: But then she dove into that concept of initiating for money.
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Shelby Wagner: or a sale versus initiating for service, and the example of being like
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Shelby Wagner: initiating for money or sales, saying, Here's all my things. Here's all the things I'm good at. Now I'm gonna go out there and find a job that'll pay me for them.
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Shelby Wagner: and I will do that for them, and they will pay me in return on a consistent basis.
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Shelby Wagner: And the challenge in that is that for my design type and my energy type, that
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Shelby Wagner: over time I will likely become resentful because that energy flows in a season. It doesn't flow in a perfect rhythm, a perfect bi-weekly paycheck rhythm.
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Shelby Wagner: It comes and it goes, and I will have to
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Shelby Wagner: bring it forward and essentially sell that energy instead of following it on my own
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Shelby Wagner: on my own timing, I will use it, and sometimes I do use my initiating for other people. I, you know, believe, like helping my husband start a business was
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Shelby Wagner: both a creative urge and part me.
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Shelby Wagner: using my ability to manifest things.
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Shelby Wagner: And he did that.
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Shelby Wagner: I think it's 1 of the like greatest initiations that I've I've been a part of.
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Shelby Wagner: But to do that for a company, and over time can be really draining.
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Shelby Wagner: And so she began to talk about like initiating for service.
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Shelby Wagner: and she said, What is your what is your greatest contribution?
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Shelby Wagner: That is what you lead with, and
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Shelby Wagner: something about that like flipped a switch in me. Because back to that moment of that organization saying, Hey, do you want to be featured? Do you want to be a part of this program? And I'm like I do. But I have no idea, like, how do I sell this list of abilities.
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Shelby Wagner: and it's like it's not the list of abilities. It's your greatest contribution.
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Shelby Wagner: And so once I started to think about that, I'm like, well, one. The identity. Field Guide is an amazing contribution.
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Shelby Wagner: 2. My ability to host events and experiences where people can engage in connection and deep reflection.
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Shelby Wagner: Like that is a contribution that I think we need now more than ever.
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Shelby Wagner: And so right away I was like, Oh, my gosh! I've been looking at this through the a different the wrong lens. Excuse me.
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Shelby Wagner: but it's this list that Holly called out, that really got me fired up, and not thinking about just selling my abilities.
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Shelby Wagner: but leading with like, what am I here to do?
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Shelby Wagner: And she said, initiating for service.
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Shelby Wagner: initiating because this is what we do to contribute to the collective
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Shelby Wagner: we initiate because it leaves a positive impact on the world
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Shelby Wagner: we initiate because it is the most empowered, aligned state to do so.
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Shelby Wagner: We initiate because it gives other people permission to be activated into growth.
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Shelby Wagner: We initiate because this is the highest possible service that a manifester can bring the world into themselves and to the people around them.
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Shelby Wagner: Those words just totally reoriented my perspective, and I started asking myself.
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Shelby Wagner: what is the thing that I can offer right now that provides a positive impact on the world.
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Shelby Wagner: What allows me to feel most empowered and aligned?
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Shelby Wagner: What can I provide that gives people permission to be activated into growth.
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Shelby Wagner: To me, obviously, the identity field Guide which is helping people explore their identity. It's helping them reconnect. It's helping them, remember.
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Shelby Wagner: And the highest possible service that I can bring the world right now is helping folks remember who they are and why they came here.
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Shelby Wagner: so that they can apply that to the work they do in the world, the connections they're making within their homes, within their communities.
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Shelby Wagner: And all of a sudden, and it was like a light bulb of like.
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Shelby Wagner: Oh, my goodness!
00:21:00.570 --> 00:21:07.980
Shelby Wagner: Like I have things not only to refer people to, but I do have a path before me.
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Shelby Wagner: but I got a little bit
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Shelby Wagner: lost from it or disconnected from it.
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Shelby Wagner: And I think part of that, or a couple things is.
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Shelby Wagner: we often dismiss some of the really powerful things that we do and bring
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Shelby Wagner: because it feels second nature, or we think, well, it's valuable. But is it as valuable as that? Is it as valuable as being a doctor, you know, is it is valuable in comparison to
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Shelby Wagner: as a manifester. I'm often creating things or talking about things that people
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Shelby Wagner: find strange or haven't considered before. And so there's also a ramp up time for people to understand, like what I'm offering and why it will be of service.
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Shelby Wagner: you know, as I mentioned, at the end of the year I got to do these community pop ups holiday pop ups and talk to people, you know, at the table where I was selling the books.
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Shelby Wagner: and
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Shelby Wagner: I could just see I could watch people making the connection, as I told them, that this is driven by imagery to help you tap into your intuition first, st
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Shelby Wagner: then, begin to explore. What does this image mean to me? What does it say about who I am.
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Shelby Wagner: and I could see people go like. Oh, yes.
00:22:30.770 --> 00:22:39.060
Shelby Wagner: so I know. I bring. I bring solutions that are not always easily digestible in comparison to
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Shelby Wagner: things that are out in the marketplace right now, the traditional forms of read a story or the traditional forms of like. Here's a journal. It has a question every day. Just answer it right?
00:22:51.530 --> 00:22:56.950
Shelby Wagner: I know I'm taking a a unique approach by bringing creativity into it by
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Shelby Wagner: tapping into people's emotionality with imagery.
00:23:02.180 --> 00:23:07.470
Shelby Wagner: And so to look at this list, though, and go like. But this is
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Shelby Wagner: this is the greatest contribution I could offer
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Shelby Wagner: that felt really, really empowering.
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Shelby Wagner: And what I noticed after that is that I have. I have talked some of these things away because I jump too far ahead into the future and assume.
00:23:26.850 --> 00:23:37.669
Shelby Wagner: I'm like, okay, well, those are the greatest things right? But it takes a lot to be financially stable as an author, especially a self-published one.
00:23:37.910 --> 00:23:45.220
Shelby Wagner: It takes a lot of energy to be financially secure.
00:23:45.600 --> 00:23:48.890
Shelby Wagner: based off of workshops. And you know
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Shelby Wagner: I could do the math all day. I didn't like. How many would I need to do, and also that just does not feel like an aligned place to live my life, to constantly be like calculating
00:24:00.050 --> 00:24:06.509
Shelby Wagner: X amount of workshops. Tom's X amount of dollars, you know, like that. Just everything about that brings in the ick.
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Shelby Wagner: And it occurred to me like, Well, maybe that isn't
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Shelby Wagner: my problem right now, maybe that is not mine to worry about.
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Shelby Wagner: And part of this podcast episode
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Shelby Wagner: got me thinking about, it's just my job to inform people.
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Shelby Wagner: And as this person is reaching out to say, Do you want to be a part of this marketing opportunity
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Shelby Wagner: right running it through my emotional wave, coming back to a place of neutral and saying, Yeah, actually, I've been wanting someone to help me with social media, and I do have something to talk about. And 3.
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Shelby Wagner: I don't have to have all the details baked down yet as to how many of those like I'm just not in that position, and that's not what.
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Shelby Wagner: That's not what my energetic pathway is asking of me right now. What it's asking of me right now is to
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Shelby Wagner: be honest and rooted in what I have to offer, and tell people about it
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Shelby Wagner: and believe in its power. That is what it's asking of me right now.
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Shelby Wagner: The rest will come as opportunities arise.
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Shelby Wagner: So in, you know, a few weeks amount of time. I've gone from standing in the fog to having this a major epiphany.
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Shelby Wagner: and what comes next is that there's also some other opportunities that have been shying away from because
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Shelby Wagner: I've thought about them in the past. But
00:25:42.680 --> 00:25:57.160
Shelby Wagner: past version of me wasn't ready for those kinds of opportunities. And that's 1 where I'm more of a teacher where I'm holding space for other coaching practitioners to experience these tools that I'm creating.
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Shelby Wagner: and also teach them about how to use them with their own communities and their own clients.
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Shelby Wagner: And I've been on a journey of healing that wound of like, who am I to do so? Who am I to be
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Shelby Wagner: so bold? Who am I to be an expert? And you know I've done an amazing job of healing that I've done an amazing job of building a sense of home within myself again anchored.
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Shelby Wagner: confident.
00:26:24.600 --> 00:26:33.139
Shelby Wagner: But a friend told me like this phrase of like, you know, sometimes we're bringing past stories into the present, and then things get muddled.
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Shelby Wagner: And so, as I was thinking about these
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Shelby Wagner: opportunities potentially for the present and the future.
00:26:42.910 --> 00:26:49.779
Shelby Wagner: I was bringing old stories and old versions of myself to the conversation.
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Shelby Wagner: So in this present moment I have a beautiful book that I am so proud of.
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Shelby Wagner: and so in this moment I have a beautiful product to market. I have a beautiful product that I can host workshops around.
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Shelby Wagner: and I have a beautiful product that I can help other folks use within their own practice.
00:27:21.990 --> 00:27:25.039
Shelby Wagner: and I don't need to worry about who I once was.
00:27:25.350 --> 00:27:36.889
Shelby Wagner: where I felt reserved, where I felt unsure, where I didn't have the thing made yet I don't need to bring any of that story, or any of that identity into this moment.
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Shelby Wagner: and that was another light bulb of like release, that release. That
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Shelby Wagner: so where I am right now is feeling really encouraged, feeling like the light is getting brighter.
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Shelby Wagner: that the threshold I am. I'm crossing over, you know. I've signed some
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Shelby Wagner: contracts. Begin designing the next product.
00:28:14.760 --> 00:28:18.730
Shelby Wagner: I said yes to the marketing opportunity.
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Shelby Wagner: and I'm I'm starting to feel
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Shelby Wagner: like I can see the direction that I'm heading in.
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Shelby Wagner: and I'm just so grateful that I've had
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Shelby Wagner: friends to share this with. Who can help me verbalize this and make sense of it all? Who can point to the wisdom and the gold point to the the limited thinking.
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Shelby Wagner: I'm grateful for human design that keeps me thinking about my unique energy and not in comparison to anyone else.
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Shelby Wagner: always grateful for astrology for helping me, you know, make sense of the rhythms that are taking place
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Shelby Wagner: and guiding me.
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Shelby Wagner: But I'm also really glad that I've done the healing work that I've done, so that I can have an awareness
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Shelby Wagner: that I can move through these moments of uncertainty, and in some moments, truly feeling emotional about it, truly feeling like, why.
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Shelby Wagner: why don't I have things figured out? And you know, of course we know not. Everyone is all organized as they appear right, so I shouldn't even have that conversation. But I am human.
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Shelby Wagner: but I'm grateful for the home that I've built within myself
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Shelby Wagner: that I know I can always come back to that belonging that I have this strong anchor, even when it doesn't make sense to anybody else. And sometimes it doesn't make sense to myself either.
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Shelby Wagner: But in building that muscle of trust and surrender
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Shelby Wagner: I'm building that muscle of listening to my intuition, looking for the synchronicities and taking action from there.
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Shelby Wagner: I can't even begin to imagine where this year will take me.
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Shelby Wagner: According to numerology, it it could be exciting and social.
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Shelby Wagner: but I am less worried about imagining what that will look like, and really just reorienting to the present moment, so that I don't miss
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Shelby Wagner: these opportunities to see myself in new ways, and
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Shelby Wagner: make good on the opportunities that are are right before me, and I'm so excited
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Shelby Wagner: to be able to report, even in 3 months.
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Shelby Wagner: I think, where where this path is taking me.
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Shelby Wagner: Thank you for listening and coming on this journey, and if you are in the liminal space.
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Shelby Wagner: just sending so much love
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Shelby Wagner: and patience to you as you find your way through this threshold till next time.