Looking for Evidence
Looking for Evidence is hosted by Khara Collins and Shelby Wagner. We're two Voxer besties who enjoy sharing how we use different tools like Astrology, Enneagram, or Human Design, to make sense of who we are and tackle the challenges we face in day-to-day life. There are plenty of places to learn about the different tools, and we want to be a space where you can hear how to actually use them in your everyday life. Listen in!
This pod is a real time conversation between Khara Collins & Shelby Wagner, who are sharing what's happening in their lives and how they use different tools like Enneagram, Somatics, Astrology, Human Design and more, to better understand the hard and celebratory moments in their lives.
There are so many places in the world that teach you about different systems and tools, but there aren't many spaces that talk about what it looks like to use this wisdom in everyday life. How do they help us make decisions? How can they remind us to slow down, pause and celebrate where we are now and feel curious about what hasn't happened yet?
Tune in to each episode to hear what's happening in their lives and how they're making sense of it all!
Looking for Evidence
Redefining Success
Reading personal goals from their journals, Shelby & Khara unravel the mysteries of personal growth under the Aries full moon and discuss releasing old patterns while embracing new beginnings. Listen as they navigate the delicate balance between intuition and strategic planning, and explore how the north and south nodes can guide us.
In a world filled with distractions, staying committed to personal and professional goals can be a challenge. Shelby & Khara explore the struggle of overcoming fears of disappointment and the allure of reverting to familiar work paths if success doesn't come easily. They uncover how meditation and breath work become pivotal in moving from safety to a place of visibility and vulnerability, symbolizing a new chapter filled with excitement and apprehension.
Join them as they explore personal growth and the rewards of pursuing inner peace and authentic living.
Chani App
Gene Keys
The Manifestor Community
This episode was produced by: Six-Two Studio
Find Shelby and Khara on instagram:
Shelby's interactive journal:
The Identity Field Guide
Shelby Wagner:
Gene Keys was the first place that really helped me see how things like food or social media or even just, you know, numbing out with TV or distracting me from hearing my creative voice were delaying me from success.
Shelby Wagner:
Looking for Evidence is hosted by Khara Collins and myself, Shelby Wagner. We're two Voxer besties who were brought together via our fascination with human design. We use tools like astrology, enneagram or human design to better understand ourselves and tackle everyday challenges, and we love talking about it. So come on in, Let the insights begin. Well, Khara, I don't know about you but full moon, full brain.
Shelby Wagner:
I woke up today feeling like I need to act on so many things this morning.
Khara Collins:
Yes, and Aries, full moon. It sounds very on brand and, yeah, same I. I've actually been sleeping really well the last couple nights, which is very off brand for me with full moons. But I do find that I'm having a lot of like clarity and like action steps that I need to take as well, and it feels really good to like have that after being in a fog for so long, it feels like.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, I just find it interesting how I can move through these times where it feels like nothing is certain and I can't see the details, and almost instantly I feel like I have a list of things to do I wrote down last night from the rising woman post about the full moon break free from stagnation, take action, steps into personal, step into personal power, and I feel as if I woke up today embodying all of those words.
Khara Collins:
So you read it like right before you went to bed.
Shelby Wagner:
Yes, yeah, just that planted in your brain. Yes, the seeds sprouted.
Shelby Wagner:
The seeds sprouted the power of subliminal messaging but it's just wild because I know, you know, with with full moons too, and all this week, in particular this Aries full moon, there was talk about it being a day of agitation and irritation, and so I was kind of laying low, to be honest, like I was just going to stay home and stay out of the clear, and I was hearing different things around me, like my husband calling and telling me he was encountering things. I'm like, I'm just, I'm going to fly below the radar, I'm going to rest, I'm going to make my lists and you know, see if I can navigate this as easily as possible.
Khara Collins:
Yes, I also made some choices based off of the energies that I was reading about with the full moon. Like I just felt like an ending, but also like a new beginning, like releasing, like the final release of some of the patterns you've been, you know, repeating. So it felt good to kind of recognize some of that like people pleasing being released, you know, because it's like my traditional pattern that I fall into.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, the releasing part always kind of trips me up because I feel often that I fall into yeah, the releasing part always kind of trips me up because I feel often that I'm I'm doing the work and I'm ongoing letting go and implementing new things. And this one had me a little fuzzy once again, as you know, I was thinking like what do I need to release? And I think I talked about this last time is like my definition of risk and success. Like I have a pretty deep and wide capacity for risk and while I've been doing a lot of things this year, a lot of cool things, a lot of things, people on the outside would be like, wow, you've, you've been traveling, you've been leading these things, you self-published this book and and yet the thing that came up for me was I need to get my ass in gear.
Shelby Wagner:
And that's such a weird thing to wrestle with, to feel like, but damn, I've been doing stuff, you know. But it was like, okay, you gotta let go of this kind of lackadaisical phase and I feel like I've gotten a lot done the last couple of years, being more in a flow state, and I think I've needed to be in that flow state in order to receive the intuitive hits, in order to see the synchronicities. But now that some of those, those ideas, have become tangible products, I need to shift gears, and that's actually, you know, what I'm going to talk about today is is noticing that shift that needs to happen and how overwhelming that kind of feels.
Khara Collins:
Yeah Well, and I also like how just there's like seasons of life where, like you, might be in flow and receiving all these downloads, but there's also seasons where it's like time to take action, and I feel like on Voxer yesterday or maybe this morning, you were talking about how oh my gosh, I just lost it that's all right, because I'm going to talk about it so good. Well, perfect. Well then, we'll just get into it after you read yeah, yeah.
Shelby Wagner:
So for me and I think the other added nudge, you know, is this piece always around the north and south node, for me, right, and that ours are flipped, and in the Virgo Pisces world, and for the south node. For me, that lesson really is yes, we know you get the spirituality thing. We know, like you've lived that in many lives. And now this world, this lifetime, is asking you to take that knowledge and put it into action. And that is just like a sentiment I just keep. I keep rolling around in my mind and chewing on and noticing how, how do I do that? How do I keep getting myself into action and not just sitting back and waiting for things to happen? And so last night, you know, I was considering what do I want to read? And it's just like what's happening right now feels so important in this moment. Looking back feels like it is not at all valid for what I'm moving through right now. And so last night I wrote the full moon feels like it's begging me to commit to my business. Flow and intuition won't be enough. It will need to be strategy and planning too. It feels like the next three months are crucial critical Holiday markets, Instagram reels, possibly social media support. All need a plan to make it happen. Time on the calendar, research those hashtags.
Shelby Wagner:
I can't let my distractions or escapism get in my way. I won't let my fear of more disappointment hold me back. It's always been for me. It's always been about redirection. There's no need to look back. Where we're headed is completely new. It's another jump and it's totally possible. And if I fail, I must remember it's always about redirection. I want to do work that matters on my terms, with my voice, my creations and talents. I want us to remember who we truly are. I know that's what I came here to do.
Khara Collins:
Wow, this is like so powerful and especially with the connection with the North and South node in your chart. It just I love it when it syncs up like that and it just feels really grounded and true for you to be like taking these next steps after being in such a flow state. I just I love to hear it Such a good example after being in such a flow state.
Shelby Wagner:
I just I love to hear it. It's such a good example. It's just I could feel, as I was writing the words, that almost a different part of me was taking over to write it, Like there was a different part of me that was stepping forward to say we can do this and we must do this. And part of the piece in writing this is that I've been wrestling with where is my work going and I know, if it doesn't take off more soon, that I'm looking at traditional work, working for a company in the new year. And so this last piece, I feel like, is a part of me saying like we can make this happen if you can rise to the occasion. And so waking up this morning feeling like let's go, let's do this, and if I give it my all the next 90 days, and that somehow is not enough to remember that it is always for me, even in failure, and lately I've just been noticing that my body, it doesn't feel safe to experience joy and it really doesn't want to experience any more disappointment. It just doesn't. And we've had a lot of that the last few years.
Shelby Wagner:
I've been on at this for four and a half years, trying to find my way in my work, Do work that feels good to me. I'm going to get choked up about this, and it's been hard to keep going on when you don't have big successes and big wins, big financial wins. It's so hard and yet they're like. My mind and even a part of my body knows like this is the journey. This is it. Like it doesn't. There's no way around it. It is messy, it is. It is disappointing at times, and yet I've built like an extremely amazing toolbox of resources of people like yourself that are on this journey with me.
Khara Collins:
Yes, it feels so good to hear that and just to like that you recognize the shift that's happened and, even though that there's been times where it's felt like a struggle or disappointing, like you recognizing that it's still in your hands and also just like doing something completely different than what you've done, and how uncomfortable that is, and just the courage that it takes to move forward in this different direction continuously, without, like you said, some of the financial gains or whatever that success marker looks like. But it seems like for both of us, like as we've been going through these journeys and doing things so differently, the meaning of success changes too and it's just really interesting to think about that and how different it is now like compared to three or five years ago or four or five years ago, whatever it is.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, it keeps evolving and you have to move with it and just as you change, what you're capable of is changes as well. You know, all the things that I've done this year I couldn't even have managed imagined doing four years ago. And yet now it feels like it's just a new level of normal, you know, and which almost as I say that is like, wow, well, what's the? What's the next level of normal? Look like if this year's normal is like traveling and leading a retreat in Alaska and self-publishing a book, like okay, so we keep climbing.
Shelby Wagner:
But I do have to say, you know, for people who are here to talk about looking for evidence, some of the most beautiful evidence for me has been in human design, really understanding myself as a manifester, and in the basics right of trusting my emotional authority, of riding the wave, of knowing when things feel aligned and when they don't. Looking to gene keys, I mean, even this week, even though I've been studying gene keys for a couple of years, which is, you know, I don't never really know the right way to describe it other than a different, it's like a different perspective on human design. But my pearl sequence, right, that, that sequence of genius where I'm likely going to see success or experience success from all of the gates within. There are largely gates in my throat and that center, my throat center being this place of a voice of belief, of knowledge, speaking from those places, but also these wounds of being seen, of being heard, and so it's been interesting to look to those as I move through this time, to see where the gifts are, but also the shadows.
Shelby Wagner:
And in the journal entry writing about distraction, gene Keys was the first place that really helped me see how things like food or social media, or even just, you know, numbing out with TV or distracting me from hearing my creative voice or delaying me from success, and even though I have a knowledge and an awareness of it, it can still happen at any moment on any given day to reach for any one of those things as a way to escape and distract myself and instead be present and fully looking for or just being present, being still, and whether that's receiving something or not receiving something.
Shelby Wagner:
And so it was really interesting to just reflect on what I wrote today through the lens of how I've come to really be able to sit with challenging things like this and gene keys and human design, you know, discovering that I'm an Enneagram five when probably five years ago I thought it was an eight and the fives, having such a rich inner mental life has given me so much clarity as to how I move through the world and what I need in times of stress and how to maybe get out of my head sometimes so I can hear what's happening in the rest of my body. So, all of those things just coming together, right now I just I feel like the woman with the algebraic equations floating above her head.
Shelby Wagner:
Yes, I feel like I am that person putting all the pieces together right now and again.
Shelby Wagner:
It's wild how these moments come and go, and then there are periods of total uncertainty and lack of clarity and then a new thing like this emerges, and that's where I feel like I'm at a new emergence and listening to the last episode where I was talking about how these inner expeditions and breath work are taking me to new places, and one of the most powerful things in the latest inner expedition that I haven't gotten to talk about is the fact that my starting point, the place that I drop into during these meditations, has moved.
Shelby Wagner:
During one of the inner expeditions, a helper within my world told me it's time to move from the cozy cabin down at the base of the mountain. And we're now living in a cabin on the top of the mountain and even though this is something playing out in a meditation in my mind, I cried because I was just grieving, knowing that I needed to leave this safe space, but also really excited because I knew I needed to go there. I knew I now need to be on top With. That brings a new level of visibility and a new level of vulnerability. And a new level of vulnerability, and I'm maybe a month into this new starting point and it still feels awkward. And so, to share these words, it's, it's. I'm in the midst of a big shift and I don't know yet what's on the other side of it, but I'm really excited that I can be present for what's happening right now.
Khara Collins:
Yes, it feels so good to like to hear this whole like series of different choices and changes that you've made and how it's shown up in these inner expeditions and meditations and all of the different tools that you have to support yourself, because when you're doing something so different, it's hard to believe in yourself sometimes, and when you have these systems that can point to, like, your hidden superpowers or maybe some of the things that are holding you back, it makes it a lot easier to take that step and have a little bit more confidence in what you're doing. And it's just really cool to like be along this, alongside you during this journey, and just hearing it unfold. It's so inspiring and just I just love to hear it. And the inner expedition, too, is just. It's just fascinating what the mind can like show you and how it connects with what's going on or sometimes like predicts what's going to happen next. And it's just I love it. I love it so much.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, and it's just beautiful, the insights, you know, like that, this world that comes up for me when I drop into those meditations. That's me, you know, that's my internal workings, and I just I'm always amazed how there is just all of this wisdom inside ourselves. It just is waiting for you to be present to it. However, you need to come to it. So, so, fascinating so fascinating?
Khara Collins:
yes, so true.
Khara Collins:
Well, great share as always love it, thank you so mine, I was like telling you earlier I had like three to choose from. That. I was like trying to pick, but I think I'm to go with this poem that I wrote. That is from a community that I joined in early August. It's a writing community and they have monthly prompts and they offer like rewards for like these contests that they hold. So you have to like post your entry and then they choose who advances and then there's like a voting and I don't know. Know, that wasn't the reason why I joined. I joined because I wanted to get more um, I wanted to have more motivation to write like creatively or just like in general, like I do, journal and document the different like feelings I'm having and the meditations that I'm going through. But I wanted something a little bit different and to be in a community where I could meet new people and maybe get some support. And yesterday, before I was going to bed, I realized I moved to the next round for this poem that I wrote. They chose mine as one of the options to be in the contest, so I was pretty excited about that. Congratulations, thank you.
Khara Collins:
When I was little, I used to write a lot of poetry and I love to read poetry too. I mean, I think everybody loves Shel Silverstein. That's probably the first poet I remember reading. But I also really loved Jewel and I had her poetry books and I don't know, at some point, jewel and I had her poetry books and I don't know, at some point I just stopped writing poetry. But the prompt talked about either a letter or poem. So I went with poem and here it is. So the prompt was write a poem about a dream or a goal that came true, and I titled it $100,000.
Khara Collins:
A dream of mine for as long as I could remember. Inspired by my father, my most successful family member. $100,000 was the name of the game. How could it be attained? A dream I was not sure I would be able to reach as an art and psychology major living at the beach. Why not try working in the same industry as my dad? After all, he was the closest example I had.
Khara Collins:
Once, out of school, I dove into a pool of oil and gas, an unlikely industry for me, but alas, I wanted the money as fast as I could. So I got to work, as any good girl should. It's 2011 at $12 an hour. No wonder $100,000 seemed like such a tall tower, pushing my art and psychology degrees away. I found myself grinding and climbing, thinking this is the way.
Khara Collins:
Seven years later, I'm a divorced, single mom, still choosing that dream and losing my calm, with security as my main motivation. I was suddenly promoted to supervisor of training administration. $100,000, something I never thought I would reach, was now in my hands while living at the beach. What now, I wonder, as I look down at my check, thinking what could be next. Is this the life I want to be living, sitting in an office, years passing unforgiving. Fast forward, the year is 2021. I'm still working and coming undone.
Khara Collins:
What happened next is nothing I could have ever imagined. Instead of living a life unexamined, I decided still working and coming undone. What happened next is nothing I could have ever imagined. Instead of living a life unexamined, I decided to leave the job, the money, in search of something sweeter than honey. What is that? What could it be? It's happiness only found by looking within me. As soon as I left, a weight was lifted and two weeks later, the universe gifted me an unexpected windfall almost matching my salary. With this newfound freedom, it was clear to me that I had a wonderful new opportunity to relax, unwind, take care of my mind and learn to live a life aligned. A couple weeks later, I married my best friend my twin flame, you could say who shows me it's okay to be yourself every day. Now my days are spent with my husband and son, money flowing in unexpected ways, and it's only just begun.
Shelby Wagner:
Beautiful. How does it feel to read that?
Khara Collins:
It feels really good because it really captures like how I felt the whole time during my working and just like after work and even though you know I've had struggles like letting go of that career, and just what success means to me.
Khara Collins:
It feels really like empowering to read that and feeling like I made it out and just getting used to the idea that success and money can come in different ways and it doesn't have to be tied to a steady check or a different company.
Khara Collins:
That is outside of me. Like I've received money like since then, just out of nowhere, just unexpectedly, and it's just every time I'm like surprised, surprised and like so grateful but just kind of detaching from this idea that I have to like overwork and like push it to the limit to be able to receive money that like to earn it or whatever. And that's been a whole process like letting go of that idea of like overworking and just overachieving to feel worthy enough to receive and I don't know I feel like I've made a enough to receive and I don't know I feel like I've made a lot of progress and I still have, like I guess you could say, flare ups of like freaking out about money, but it's becoming easier and easier to be open to different possibilities and kind of let it come in as it wants to.
Shelby Wagner:
What has been helpful for you to trust that money will flow to you without overworking. What are some things that you've had to do to set down that old behavior and embrace doing less. Yeah.
Khara Collins:
Well, I think different communities that I've joined, I've been able to meet people that are doing what they love and making ridiculous amounts of money and not having to work that hard because it's something that they love to do.
Khara Collins:
For that, because everybody in that group was in a similar situation, not necessarily that they left a job, but just in this transition period of like working on something else to carry them, and a lot of them had their own businesses.
Khara Collins:
And it really opened my eyes to like what's possible and how people make money, because I didn't have a lot of examples of that like in my own life, even people that like own their own business like growing up, I didn't see a lot of that, of that like in my own life, even people that like own their own business like growing up, I didn't see a lot of that. So, being around these, like all women too that were extremely successful and doing things that they loved and bringing in all this money, a big theme for them was doing less and bringing in more, and it was just this whole like feminine energy concept that I'm so unfamiliar with, and I've largely lived my life in the masculine energy and, you know, I think it kind of calls back to the whole Virgo South Node, pisces North Node. For me just kind of releasing that pushing, doing more like working so hard for things and just trusting and letting things flow. I mean still taking action but not putting so much pressure on myself or just forcing things when they could just flow.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, absolutely, and I mean I resonate with that is. To me that is been the big. Well, there's so many pieces to learning about being a manifester in the human design context. Being a manifester in the human design context, but the piece that we move with our creative urges and our creative energy, and the rest of the time we're in a more chill, rest state when, at least in the US, the whole culture is around, do more work, more harder you work. The more you work, the the more valuable, the more you get paid, the more you're seen as worthy.
Khara Collins:
And it's such a journey to undo all of that and and actually trust and believe that there is a different way yes, and of course, human design has been a big part of my shift too, with my thinking, with the whole manifestor energy, because a lot of what you read about that is like manifestors get these urges and they don't have to take a lot of time but they have a lot of impact.
Khara Collins:
Life and seeing that play out, especially through my art, just like you know, doing two years worth of work in three weeks or just you know, just having this insane energy to like channel into something and bring it into the world, and then meeting other manifestors and seeing how that plays out, and then the whole concept of like seasons with astrology and just in life in general, and how there's different times of the year when we're slowing down and different times of the year when we're more active and doing and just trying to lean into that whole idea that it doesn't have to be go, go, go all the time. You know you even talking about like how the last two or three years it's been more flowy and like open to receiving and now you're taking this new action and different direction with things and it's just like surrounding my people myself with people that are either practicing that or are like open to learning about that has just really shifted my whole like perspective on what's possible and how money can come in.
Shelby Wagner:
I love that just multi-layered, like illustration of adding in like the seasons, whether it's the rhythm of numerology or astrology or literal nature, seasons I think we often want to get really comfortable with like okay, this is my speed and here's where I am, or this is my zone, or this is my lane and this is where I stay, and that there is just too much energetic movement happening all the time for us to ever really find the gear right To just coast in. And, as you were talking about it, just it almost gives me a little more grace for myself of what's worked. The last few years has been aligned and now what is needed for where I'm going is going to be different, and that's also aligned. And because they're different doesn't make one wrong right, doesn't mean like I should have been doing something more this past year, or that what's what's coming or what's needed in the next few months. You know isn't a line to flow, but I don't know that that feels comfortable because it means change and we're like wait what?
Shelby Wagner:
I don't get to just keep being the same person and doing things the same way.
Khara Collins:
Yes, so true, and you know, a lot of times with getting into flow and letting flow, like allowing flow to happen, requires you to let go, let go of, you know, the illusion of control or let go of these mindsets that you've been accustomed to, that have gotten you to the point you are today. But, like this next step requires something different and a change and letting go of your expectations. A lot of times or perspectives on certain things, like that's been pretty difficult for me, especially when some of those perspectives or ideas have been like drilled into me since I was little. It's taken like layers coming off before I'm actually like feeling like, okay, this is feeling better, like letting things be instead of having to like force and push and do all the time, like sometimes it's just like relax and release, you know, and letting that be okay.
Shelby Wagner:
Right, right, letting that be okay. One of the questions I saw about the full moon, and I'm curious if you have some thoughts about it, was the question of how can I courageously express my authentic self? And as you're exploring, you know, sharing more of your writing and things like that what comes up for you about courageously expressing your authentic self? What more would you like to share with the world? What parts of you?
Khara Collins:
Just this whole like internal process that's been going on. Like there have been points like on Instagram and stuff where I was more vocal about like what was happening and talking through what I'm going through and of course, the podcast gives the platform for that. But for the past like I feel like it's already been probably a year I've been feeling an urge to start a blog or just share my writing in a different format that's not on Instagram. A blog, or just share my writing in a different format that's not on Instagram. And I was even looking or listening to our first podcast episode for this season and I was talking about Substack and that's been coming up for me a lot with this full moon, because one of the things that it talked about was, you know, releasing these different limiting beliefs but also taking action on things that have been like simmering in the background, like it's kind of the perfect energy like, which is, you know, usually for full moons you're just focusing on releasing.
Khara Collins:
But with it being an Aries and out of eclipse season it's the first full moon we've had in a while so it feels good to think about like starting something new and having that courage to put myself out there without being so worried about what other people are thinking.
Khara Collins:
I feel like I felt like a lot of like guilt and shame for like entering into the workforce again for like five months and then coming out of it Like I had made a lot of progress prior to that, but I felt like it felt like like chutes and ladders or something once I started working Cause it was still like it was misaligned, but it was also like I learned so much from it, but it still was just this whole it really rattled me and it's taken a long time. It feels like to get back to the point where I feel like I do want to share and just you know, not just like the bright, rosy, like aspects, but also kind of the dark and uncomfortable aspects, because it's all part of this wild human experience and it excites me to think about like publishing my writing on a different platform and opening up to like new people, but it's also kind of scary. But it's like you know, you've got to do something you've never done before, to experience something different, you know.
Shelby Wagner:
Right, exactly, exactly, and I like on that same frequency. I feel the same in that, expressing a more fun and playful side, I have like the serious emotional side down really well.
Shelby Wagner:
I can be deep all day, but I'm also very fun person and I don't feel like I convey that enough and I'm excited to dive into the Identity Field Guide Instagram page a bit more with that and letting that be an extension of my personality, not necessarily as Shelby Wagner, but the identity field guide and play around with visuals and reels and like just let that side of myself out. I feel like it's a part that really only people close to me get to know and just really moving back into that, that space of it's, it's safe to feel joy and to explore and be curious and and trust that anything comes up that doesn't work right or something's a huge flop or nobody liked it, like I have the tools to just move on and keep going.
Khara Collins:
Yes, and it's so cool to think about like different aspects of yourself and even the different things that you've created and how, of course, it's like pieces of you went into it, but it's really a separate little entity that you're like kind of channeling into and just to think about. You know, even this Instagram space is like it's tied to the identity field guide, but it's like an opportunity for you to like show a different side of yourself.
Shelby Wagner:
it just it feels really like refreshing and exciting to like think about it like that and a picture moving into a space where my work, these creative things that I design and put out into the world, are collaborators and to envision that we're working together. You know, a couple of years ago I did a manifestor mastermind with Holly Herbig and she pulled a chart for my idea that started as the identity mosaic and has evolved into the identity field guide, and it's a manifesting generator, and so it has not surprised me at all the last few years that this initial idea has turned into five different things so far, and so to lean into that and play with that a little bit and be like, hey, I have this, I have this collaborator that wants to change and come up with new ideas and I'm here to help them get that started and to see us as partners in that, which is kind of a fun and playful way to look at my work and grow in a different way, I think, than I would have approached my work four years ago.
Khara Collins:
Yeah, and it feels also like it kind of takes the pressure off, because I think a lot of times it's hard to separate yourself from these things you create or even the business you're a part of.
Khara Collins:
And having this system human design to help you kind of see the difference between it and you, it helps, you know, it helps you just kind of be more free about how you're interacting with it and just letting things flow through. And it's just really exciting with all the different tools that you've created based off of this idea. I'm just really excited to see, like, how it continues to pop off, because I mean, just with our even with our book club, like we've we're in like a week, almost two weeks now, and all of the different things that have come up for everybody and the different conversations that are happening. They've been so transformative and it's like it's week two, like it's awesome. So I can only imagine, like on a bigger scale, or just like these different tools, like the workshop kits and the other things that you've been working on, like how much more impact is going to spread because you've allowed yourself to channel through this little entity that has so much opportunity built into it.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, and to just just makes me think back to my my genius sequence and really thinking about my defined throat center and just using my talents and trusting my talents and in leaning into that stuff that feels good, using my voice, telling my stories and I believe in the power of all the things that I've created, and that's probably one of the most amazing feelings to have yes is to like do work that matters and do work that you truly believe in. It's a really, really good place to be.
Khara Collins:
Yes, and we were looking at the. There was a post about all the different throat gates and we both have like quite a few gates. I think we both have five. Right, it's kind of a lot, but we we do have like, I think, one or two gates that overlap, but they're very different and it's just funny to think about the podcast and how these throat gates show up, but also, like for mine too, just looking at the shadow side of them and how they're very intertwined with all of this like struggle with visibility and just using my throat and you know how to step into something different and take that courage and apply it to this new blog, or sharing my work in different ways and I don't know. Once again, those systems helping you take the leap.
Shelby Wagner:
Take the leap.
Shelby Wagner:
Well, I don't know about you, but I feel pretty complete. Is there anything else you want to add to this conversation?
Khara Collins:
no, well, I guess I will plug that, this poem that I wrote. The voting starts today and. I think it goes through like I think it's through November 18th, if I'm not mistaken that people can get on there and vote so we can include the link in the show notes and just see what happens. You know, not too tied to the outcome. I think just being a part of this community and, you know, starting to write in a different way has been a win altogether, and everything else is just, you know, a cherry on top.
Shelby Wagner:
I love that and I think it's you know and ask for the people listening to think about where new things are stirring in you and where might you courageously express a different part of yourself right now and what actions might you take.
Shelby Wagner:
Thank you for joining us for this episode of Looking for Evidence. We hope this conversation gets you curious about the evidence showing up in your everyday life. Till next time.
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