Looking for Evidence
Looking for Evidence is hosted by Khara Collins and Shelby Wagner. We're two Voxer besties who enjoy sharing how we use different tools like Astrology, Enneagram, or Human Design, to make sense of who we are and tackle the challenges we face in day-to-day life. There are plenty of places to learn about the different tools, and we want to be a space where you can hear how to actually use them in your everyday life. Listen in!
This pod is a real time conversation between Khara Collins & Shelby Wagner, who are sharing what's happening in their lives and how they use different tools like Enneagram, Somatics, Astrology, Human Design and more, to better understand the hard and celebratory moments in their lives.
There are so many places in the world that teach you about different systems and tools, but there aren't many spaces that talk about what it looks like to use this wisdom in everyday life. How do they help us make decisions? How can they remind us to slow down, pause and celebrate where we are now and feel curious about what hasn't happened yet?
Tune in to each episode to hear what's happening in their lives and how they're making sense of it all!
Looking for Evidence
Welcome Back to Season 2!
Welcome back to Season 2 of Looking for Evidence!
Have you ever wondered how astrology or human design can truly shape your everyday life? As they kick off the new season of Looking for Evidence, Shelby and Khara invite you to become a silent member of their intimate conversations. This season isn't about teaching concepts; it's about sharing their experiences and the raw, unfiltered moments that these spiritual tools have helped them navigate. From Voxer chats to private journal entries, they aim to offer you a front-row seat to the beautifully chaotic human experience. Think of it as peeking into a trusted friend's diary, filled with relatable stories.
Join Shelby and Khara as they embrace the vulnerability of speaking their truths aloud and reflect on what it means to be students of life. So, settle in and let them guide you through this new chapter with open hearts and minds, where normalizing life's unpredictability becomes a shared adventure.
This episode was produced by: Six-Two Studio
Find Shelby and Khara on instagram:
Shelby's interactive journal:
The Identity Field Guide
Shelby Wagner:
Looking for Evidence is hosted by Khara Collins and myself, Shelby Wagner. We're two Voxer besties who were brought together via our fascination with human design. We use tools like astrology, enneagram or human design to better understand ourselves and tackle everyday challenges, and we love talking about it. So come on in, let the insights begin.
Shelby Wagner:
Well, Khara, new season, new us? Question mark?
Khara Collins:
I know it kind of feels like that and I'm so excited. It feels like we're just going with the flow but also being super intentional about how we're moving forward, and I'm so excited to see how this season unfolds.
Shelby Wagner:
Yes, and I guess, instead of new us because it's still us right it's the expand expanse of us, the elevated us. But what I love is that we're allowing ourselves to play around with this format. You know, we've started from this place of saying, okay, we use all of these different tools and modalities and let's check in on what's what's good and what's challenging. And now we're like maybe we can go a little bit deeper, maybe we can share what's in our journal or our Voxer chat.
Khara Collins:
Yes, it definitely feels like a deeper dive and like a closer look of like what we've been going through, what we're currently going through, and like a closer look of like what we've been going through, what we're currently going through and I'm excited to include, like our journal entries, the Voxer notes and just see how it changes a little bit, like just getting a little bit deeper, like you said, into these like really personal layers, and I mean reading somebody's diary like that's kind of a big deal.
Shelby Wagner:
Right, right, and to me it amplifies that vibe that I've loved all along about our conversations and our and our episodes is like that, that that sense of eavesdropping and, you know, having people kind of just settle in and hear what we're up to. And I think I always have to credit that to being a kid of the 80s and 90s where I just fell in love with, like Doogie Howser, my So-Called Life, the Wonder Years, like any show that had some sort of narration, and I was like I just loved sitting there being like, oh, this is what they're thinking right now, this is what's going on, and I love getting to be that. For other people.
Khara Collins:
Yes, that's such a good point. My favorite book of all time probably is the perks of being a wallflower and it's very much that like looking into somebody's journal or diary and, you know, just normalizing the human experience. And I hope that's what people can get out of this podcast just hearing our experiences and stories and like the practical application of all this woo stuff we talk about and just, you know, giving them an opportunity to see what it's like.
Shelby Wagner:
Yeah, and I think that's a good point for maybe someone who's dropping in on this second season is that we're not necessarily here to be teachers, right? We are here to just say here's how I'm making sense of my life and here's how astrology or numerology or human design is is helping me piece it together. So we are by no means experts. We are people experimenting, we are students. And you know, I think what's so fun about where we're taking this is and I think we've talked about this before is when we get to incorporate some of these things like our journal entries and our voxer notes. It gives us to a chance to like reflect even deeper. But even like the just the smallest act of reading our journal entries, it just like gives all the feels in a new way. When those words are coming out of your mouth, you know it's one thing to write them, it's one thing to read them, but it's another to speak it into a microphone.
Khara Collins:
Yes, definitely, and just the whole blending these raw moments with the spiritual insights and giving you know the listeners an opportunity to feel validated and empowered in their own journeys is just so exciting to think about and I'm glad that we can be kind of leaders in that way, like sharing our experiences and letting people know how normal it is.
Shelby Wagner:
Right how normal it is to just be all over the place.
Khara Collins:
Yes, welcome to season two.
Shelby Wagner:
Welcome to season two. Well, I think that's a good place to leave everyone. Hope you tune in, hope you drop in, hope you eavesdrop on what's going on as we look for evidence.
Shelby Wagner:
Thank you for joining us for this episode of Looking for Evidence. We hope this conversation gets you curious about the evidence showing up in your everyday life. Till next time.
This was a 6-2 Studio production Find us at six-two.studio for all your creative sound needs.