Looking for Evidence
Looking for Evidence is hosted by Khara Collins and Shelby Wagner. We're two Voxer besties who enjoy sharing how we use different tools like Astrology, Enneagram, or Human Design, to make sense of who we are and tackle the challenges we face in day-to-day life. There are plenty of places to learn about the different tools, and we want to be a space where you can hear how to actually use them in your everyday life. Listen in!
This pod is a real time conversation between Khara Collins & Shelby Wagner, who are sharing what's happening in their lives and how they use different tools like Enneagram, Somatics, Astrology, Human Design and more, to better understand the hard and celebratory moments in their lives.
There are so many places in the world that teach you about different systems and tools, but there aren't many spaces that talk about what it looks like to use this wisdom in everyday life. How do they help us make decisions? How can they remind us to slow down, pause and celebrate where we are now and feel curious about what hasn't happened yet?
Tune in to each episode to hear what's happening in their lives and how they're making sense of it all!
Looking for Evidence
Welcome to Looking for Evidence
Navigating Self-Discovery
Shelby and Khara share stories of identity, creativity, self awareness, and embracing the shadows that make us whole. Listen in to hear about the empowerment that comes from genuine self-awareness. Discover how to navigate the leap from corporate confines to the uncharted waters of creativity and the critical act of owning one's voice. Find out how human design and the Enneagram can guide your path to authenticity.
Discover your Human Design: https://www.myhumandesign.com
Pull your Birth Chart: https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php
Check out your Numerology: https://cafeastrology.com/index-2.html
Find your Enneagram: https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test
Look into your MBTI Type: https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types
Find Shelby and Khara on instagram:
Shelby's interactive journal:
The Identity Field Guide